PLM 600 – 800 Manual Saw Polisher

Ultrasonic Manual Saw Blade Polisher

  • Cleans & polishes saw blades from 4” to 32”
  • Forward/reversing grinding motor and table travel
  • Adjustable travel stops
  • Flood cooled system
  • German Made

Product Details


Cleans & polishes saw blades from 4” to 32”. Forward/reversing grinding motor and table travel. Adjustable travel stops. Flood cooled system.

Features & Benefits

Parts, service, and support for your grinding machine.

We’re here to help in whatever way works best for you: on-site, over the phone, or remotely through Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp, or FaceTime.

Colonial Saw's support team is available 8:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. EST.