40″ or 48″ Automatic Knife Grinder with 2 or 3.5HP
Features: Automatic head travel (11 m/min). Coolant system. Automatic wheel downfeed can be set for per pass and total downfeed. Grinding Chuck tiltable 0 to 90 degrees. Grinding head tiltable +5 to –30 degrees. Mechanical T-Groove chuck for stack grinding of knives with step blocks. Great for planer and joiner knives, shaving mills knives, and tree chipper.
Product Details
- Automatic head travel (11 m/min)
- Automatic wheel downfeed can be set for per pass and total downfeed
- Grinding Chuck tiltable 0 to 90 degrees
- Grinding head tiltable +5 to –30 degrees
- Coolant system with static magnetic filter in bed
- Mechanical T-Groove chuck for stack grinding of knives with step blocks
- Head travels on hardened and ground replaceable wear strips
Features & Benefits
Parts, service, and support for your grinding machine.
We’re here to help in whatever way works best for you: on-site, over the phone, or remotely through Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp, or FaceTime.
Colonial Saw's support team is available 8:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. EST.